In September 2024, a North Dakota teen’s car malfunctioned, becoming unstoppable and reaching 113 miles per hour. For 40 minutes, 18-year-old Sam navigated a bridge into Minnesota, intersections with train tracks and highways, small towns and — almost — the road’s dead end.
But after Sam called his mom and 911, multiple first responders gathered. Police drove near him, staying on the phone and calmly asking about the accelerator, emergency brake and remaining gas. Ambulance crews were ready. The highway patrol laid speed sticks to puncture the tires (it didn’t work) and cleared intersections ahead of the runaway vehicle. All the while, Sam’s mom prayed. Finally, an officer sped ahead so Sam could run into his squad car, bringing his own to a halt.
Not making light of what could have turned tragic, sometimes our lives get out of control too. We speed through work, school, relationships, parenting — trying to accomplish, achieve and gain faster than others. We cram as much in each day as possible, seemingly unable to slow down. The harried pace can endanger our physical, mental and spiritual health.
Often, we’re “saved” only as people who care come alongside us to help. Perhaps family members express concern, professionals suggest remedies, loved ones pray for us. Finally, when all we can do is crash into the loving care of God, we come to rest. It may take time to recover emotionally, to dare get back “behind the wheel,” to trust life to carry us at a safe speed again. But thanks be to God for placing support systems around us when we need them most.
—Heidi Hyland Mann